I wonder if anyone else is a little weary of how busy we all seem to be. We’re all stressed, hectic, over scheduled, crazy, don’t know where the time goes….can’t respond to mail, return a call, be civilized. I’m as guilty as the next person, feeling overwhelmed and underfed.
You know the adage if you need something done, ask a busy person? Well most really busy people are too freakin’ busy to talk about the degree of their busyness!!!
So let’s get over it.
Being super busy≠being super important. Or super anything, except maybe, harried and disorganized? Smartphones, iPads, Kindles, oh my.
Come on people. Some of us are truly, really busy, like before dawn to after dusk. You know who you are. Farmers, for example. Let’s all take a step back from this cult of busyness and choose pockets of being present instead. We’ll all have days, weeks, months ( I feel like I’ve had a few years, but that’s another story) of being a few steps too busy. How about we choose to do it with grace, this being busy. It’s called life. We all are in it (unless we aren’t). Roll with it.
As the daughter of one of my childhood friends says, That’s such a First World problem, Mom.
OK this is probably another little pink bubble I’m floating out there. Like when my son was nine and the full-frontal overscheduling of our children was beginning to impact me, single parent on a mission. Let’s all opt out, I kept pleading with my smart, devoted-to-their-kids and truly-being-good-parents friends. ‘Cause I didn’t want to be the first, negligent one damaging her child! Or when we were in the applying to college phase: we all have to choose to step back! Stop this craziness, the prep classes, the Ivies focus! I implored, to no avail.
Well I’m floating the bubble nonetheless. How about, if we’re busy, let’s just be it, and free up some air space for other topics?