Though a bit chilly, windy and wet thus far, this May seems especially GREEN. So many shades of, yellowish spring green to Kelly green and so many shades– is it more than usual, or was I not paying attention before.
The blossoms look lush and wonderful, a prolific fruit year is tentatively predicted, making up for the sad losses of last year.
It is SPRING at les collines and the urge to speak in all caps is taking hold.
Just, because– doesn’t it reflect the crazy, copious energy coursing through the atmosphere this time of year, the crickets, the peepers, the birds, bees and four leggeds are all awake and on the move. How can one NOT want to jump out of bed by 5 a.m.?
Because the light is exquisite and there is so much to do…cooking and planning and learning and gathering and tastings and markets and schlepping and sometimes writing and all too rarely reading. And Lavender Jelly and Ginger Preserve both debuted at les collines this spring. The Ginger has been a saga, a work in progress; it is beautifully peppery and gingery, and limited. The Lavender, a revelation, a surprise crush for me, a new favorite. Floral but not too, with a citrus base, and a simply gorgeous hue. We are so fortunate to have the wonderful Diane and Dave Allen (peers in the Farm to Food Business Accelerator program we are just wrapping up) growing this amazing variety, New Zealand Blue, at their Lavenlair Farm, just up the road (heh) in Whitehall. I predict it will be the jelly of summer 2017 and more.
Meanwhile an unexpected find of heirloom tomatoes from Josh Morgenthau, another FFBA peer, at Fishkill Farms, frozen from last summer– what a delight, we will get a late spring batch of Heirloom Tomato Butter.
The Onion Confit is going to Cornell for a scheduled process, look for it later in the summer.
Rhubarb, just picked up yesterday, so the first Rhubarb Preserve with Vanilla Bean & Earl Grey of 2017 will be heading out this week– the first will go to Historic Hudson in Sleepy Hollow, we are so excited les collines will be on their shelves! Check out our Where to Find for a complete list of our stockists.
In the kitchen today, produced the last Concord Grape Preserve of the season; Quince already gone but for a few jars. A sure sign of spring.
And even more growth and renewal: stay tuned for some exciting news of a les collines crowdfunding campaign, which will be happening soon…details to come.
It’s a good thing it’s SPRING and who needs sleep xo